Directory of 65 million business and executive profiles, over 240 million resident profiles with interests, hobbies and lifestyle information, over 7 million real-time job listings, 2 million new businesses, and more.
Find Web Resources
Elected Officials for Mount Prospect Area
A listing of all elected officials, including contact information.
Gale Directory Library (was Encyclopedia of Associations)
A comprehensive collection of directories for business, education, and market research. Contains Encyclopedia of Associations, Ward’s Business Directory, and Scholarships Fellowships & Loans.
Research U.S. manufacturers in Illinois, Wisconsin, Indiana, Michigan, and Ohio.
Mount Prospect Community Organizations and Clubs
A list of clubs and organizations located primarily in Mount Prospect.
Preschool and Childcare Directory
A listing of local resources compiled by MPPL staff.
Illinois public records for real estate transactions, mortgages, foreclosures, and more.
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