by Mariama Lockington JF LOCKINGTON, M. Harmony Music Camp is a big deal. You have to apply and be accepted for camp, and each week you audition for your seat in the band. This is Andi’s first year at camp, and it kind of feels like her aunt and uncle are trying to get rid…
News from Youth Services - Page 4 of 50

Noodleheads Do the Impossible
by Tedd Arnold J GRAPH ARNOLD, T. Have you ever wanted to do impossible things? Mac and Mac do too. They want to walk all the way around the world, count all the stars in the sky, and count all the grains of sand. This is an enjoyable hilarious adventure.…

Jennifer Chan is not Alone
by Tae Keller JF KELLER, T. Do you believe in aliens? The new girl, Jennifer, does, but Mallory knows admitting that would make Jennifer an outcast. Mallory decides to help Jennifer to fit in, but when Jennifer goes missing, she has to admit that maybe her “help” was actually bullying. Mallory wants to find Jennifer,…

The Way of the Hive: A Honeybee’s Story
by Jay Hosler J GRAPH HOSLER, J. Bees are not my favorite (since I have been stung many times) but I know they are important. The author makes the reader care about honey bees by describing their growth and development. He personalizes it by telling us about one bee, Nyuki. I learned why honey bees are…

Apple of My Pie
by Mika Song J GRAPH SONG, M. Apple of My Pie is a cute story about how Grandpa Squirrel falls into an apple truck and is driven away to an apple orchard. His squirrel family wants to save him, so they use their friends, a bird and a man with a food truck who can…

Bug Scouts: Out in the Wild
by Mike Lowery ER LOWERY, M. Hey Fly Guy Fans! We have your next book to read. Meet the Bug Scouts, Doug, Abby and Josh. Doug and Abby love everything about the Bug Scouts from hiking to nature exploring. and Doug well he is just here for the snacks. These bugs are on a mission…

A Comb of Wishes
by Lisa Stringfellow JF STRINGFELLOW, L. In honor of Caribbean Heritage Month here is a book from Lisa Stringfellow, who is family emigrated from Barbados. What if one of your wishes came true? This is what happens to Kela. She finds a comb while beachcombing on the beach of her island home. She makes a…

Nat Enough
by Maria Scrivan J GRAPH SCRIVAN, M. When Natalie sees that her Best Friend for Always is also going to the same middle school that she is, she’s delighted! Now they can be the bestest of friends, just like before! Or can they? Her (former) best friend has moved on to the “In” crowd, the…

When Things Are Scary
It can be difficult to talk to your children when things are scary in the news. Youth staff have gathered some resources that could be helpful when having these conversations with your children. Rereading favorite stories or re-watching favorite movies can also be very comforting to children in times of stress. Photo by August de…

When Grandma Gives You a Lemon Tree
by Jamie L.B. Deenihan E DEENIHAN, J. This little girl was excited her birthday finally arrived. She had a rather lengthy wish list, with lots of cool gadgets she wanted for her birthday. However, when Grandma came over, she gave her grand-daughter a very unexpected gift. How surprising! She didn’t know how to react! See how this story…