by Lily LaMotte J GRAPH LAMOTTE, L. Cici has just moved from Taiwan to Seattle. She is learning about American customs and really misses her A-ma. She decides to try something new and enters a cooking contest so she can win and get the money for a plane ticket for her A-ma. Along the way,…
For Grades 4-6 - Page 3 of 24

by Nidhi Chanani J GRAPH CHANANI, N. Shahi thinks her dad is missing, so she goes looking for him with her cousin Naz. Her dad loves music and vinyl records, so Shahi and Naz go to the record store where they usually find her dad. They discover a secret jukebox that will take you to…

Choose Your Own Adventure: Eighth Grade Witch
by Andrew Gaska J GRAPH GASKA, A. Rabbit and her family have just moved into the "haunted" house of the town. Is it really haunted? Is she a witch? You can explore different stories as you choose Rabbit's adventures. …

Chef Yasmina and the Potato Panic
by Wauter Manneart J GRAPH MANNEART, W. Yasmina is a great chef who makes wonderful lunches and dinners for her dad. She gets fresh grown vegetables from her neighbors, until a big company takes away the land they grow their vegetables on. Yasmina and her neighbors have to figure out the secret ingredient the big company is…

Big Apple Diaries
by Alyssa Bermudez J GRAPH B BERMUDEZ, A. Alyssa loves to draw and has a crush on Alejandro. She is in middle school and everything is changing, it is a confusing time. I can not imagine what it was like to be a child in New York city when 9/11 happened, but Alyssa describes everything she is…

Best Books 2021
As you gear up for your holiday shopping, look no further than the library for the year’s best books for the children in your life. If you missed the presentation, don't worry-- we recorded it so you can watch it at your convenience and learn all about fabulous fiction and nonfiction titles for preschoolers through…

Where are you Leopold? The Invisibility Game
Where are you Leopold? The Invisibility Game by Michel-Yves Scmitt and Vincent Caut.

Cece Rios and the Desert of Souls
Cece Rios and the Desert of Souls by Kaela Rivera This is a story filled with magic, and spirits. Cece is growing up in a desert community that has to protect itself from dark criaturas that menace humans during a specific time every year. Cece’s sister Juana has been stolen by the the darkest criatura of all, and she will do anything to save her.…

Diverse Books for Your Classroom
We recently held a program titled Diverse Books to Share With Your Classroom for educators in our community. Thousands of books are published every year, making it hard sometimes to keep with all the great new titles that could be used in classrooms. Library staff are happy to help by narrowing down the choices and…

Pride Reads
There's still time left to check out some great reads for Pride! Stop by our display or check out our lists here: Stonewall award books / Pride books for Tweens (4th-6th) / Family Pride Reads…