Is your third-fifth grader looking for a fun reading activity? Would they love to talk about the book they are reading with other kids without having to get out of their pajamas? Then bring them to the library to borrow a book from the Margin Project! With a Margin Project book, you don't need to…
For Grades 2-4

Noodleheads Do the Impossible
by Tedd Arnold J GRAPH ARNOLD, T. Have you ever wanted to do impossible things? Mac and Mac do too. They want to walk all the way around the world, count all the stars in the sky, and count all the grains of sand. This is an enjoyable hilarious adventure.…

Apple of My Pie
by Mika Song J GRAPH SONG, M. Apple of My Pie is a cute story about how Grandpa Squirrel falls into an apple truck and is driven away to an apple orchard. His squirrel family wants to save him, so they use their friends, a bird and a man with a food truck who can…

Bug Scouts: Out in the Wild
by Mike Lowery ER LOWERY, M. Hey Fly Guy Fans! We have your next book to read. Meet the Bug Scouts, Doug, Abby and Josh. Doug and Abby love everything about the Bug Scouts from hiking to nature exploring. and Doug well he is just here for the snacks. These bugs are on a mission…

Bunbun & Bonbon: Hoppy Go Lucky
by Jess Keating J GRAPH KEATING, J. Bunbun and Bonbon have lost their luck. Will they be able to get it back? They ask their friends Scout Von Fluffington, Tom the duck, and Rosie Stardrop Sparklepants the unicorn for help. Is there a good-luck trap and a waterfall involved? Read the story to find out!…

Cranky Chicken
by Katherine Battersby J GRAPH BATTERSBY, K. Cranky Chicken is always cranky. When Cranky Chicken saves Speedy the worm from an evil leaf, Cranky Chicken gets a new friend. If you like the Elephant and Piggie books, you might like this story. Cranky Chicken and Speedy are cranky together, and also learn how to be…

Hilo: Gina, the Girl Who Broke the World
by Judd Winick J GRAPH WINICK, J. Magic used to exist on Earth, but it left. All of a sudden Gina can see magical beings that no one else can. She encounters Bek and Choi, 2 magical creatures that can enhance other creatures' magic. They are being hunted by other creatures from other worlds. Gina…

Black History Month: Sports and Athletics
This week we're celebrating Black excellence in sports and athletics, including everyone from Simon Biles to Mamie "Peanut" Johnson. Come and peruse the display in the library or place a hold on a great book using our catalog!

Black History Month: Inventors and Scientists
February is Black History month*, and all month long we'll have displays about Black excellence in a variety of areas. First up we have Scientists and Inventors! You can come into the library and check out items from the display or go to our reading recommendations page and place a hold! I particularly love the…

Pizza and Taco: Super-Awesome Comic! (#3)
by Stephen Shaskan J GRAPH SHASKAN, S. Pizza and Taco are best friends and decide to create their own comic. They each have different ideas and can't figure out how to combine them. They try to make separate comics, but it does not work. Super Fart power for the win! Very funny.…