Is your third-fifth grader looking for a fun reading activity? Would they love to talk about the book they are reading with other kids without having to get out of their pajamas? Then bring them to the library to borrow a book from the Margin Project!
With a Margin Project book, you don’t need to check it out—just grab and go. As you’re reading, react to the story by underlining your favorite parts, adding emojis in the margin, or asking questions on the pages:

When you’re finished, either pass it on to a friend to read and react or return it to the cart or the youth desk and choose a new book. Don’t forget to come back and check on the books you’ve read to see if anyone has responded to your comments with their own!

To get started on your interactive book journey, look for the display back by the Discovery Zone. Choose a book–and make sure it has a Margin Project sticker on it–then take it home! It couldn’t be easier.

Credit where credit is due: We learned about the Margin Project from author Jen Malone and thought it was a great idea. Thanks, Jen!
If you are an educator and would like a collection of Margin Books to use in your classroom, please fill out the materials request form and we’ll work with you to make that happen.
Happy reading!