Starting Kindergarten is a huge step for kids and grown-ups alike! This fall, your family is going through lots of transitions that include new routines and expectations. Below are tips, tricks, and ideas to make the step into Kindergarten an all-around success.
Growth & Learning

Growing Gratitude
Storytime Thoughts from Ms. Sydney I am grateful for October. On chilly October mornings, I look forward to seeing my little Storytime friends arrive at the library in all varieties of adorable cold weather gear. I like to stand at the door to welcome everyone in, giving each child a chance to show off their…

The Secret Life of Librarians
If your child visited the Mount Prospect Public Library recently, they might have learned about the secret lives of librarians. This VIP experience includes a tour of restricted zones in the library. There are a lot of myths about what it’s like to work in a public library, but none of them come close to capturing what it's like working in a library.

One Small Step…
“10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Blast off!” I glanced, smiling, at my 4-year-old, whose expression showed the same intensity and focus of a real Mission Control staffer. “Pshhh!” The explosion sounds were impassioned, and there was the spit to prove it. Noah slowly lifted the space shuttle into the air…