Eighth grade is hard. When you’re 180 pounds and six feet tall, it can be even harder. Most of the kids in Marcus Vega’s school are terrified of him. Marcus uses his intimidating size to help protect smaller kids from the real school bully, Stephen. He uses the money he earns at school to help…
For Grades 4-6 - Page 7 of 24

E-Book & E-Audiobook – Greetings from Witness Protection! by Jake Burt
Nicki Demere is an orphan, a great pickpocket, and about to be adopted by the U.S. Marshalls, sort of. See, the Marshalls are in charge of protecting and hiding people in Witness Protection, which is not always easy. So, to make it even harder for the Trevor family to be found, they decide to add…

E-book – Frida, el misterio del anillo del pavo real, y yo (Me, Frida, and the Peacock Ring) por Angela Cervantes
Aunque tenemos que quedarnos en casa, ¡todavía podemos viajar virtualmente a México! We might be stuck at home, but there is no reason we can't travel virtually to Mexico!

E-Book & E-Audiobook – Amal Unbound by Aisha Saeed
Twelve-year-old Amal’s dreams of becoming a teacher are crushed when she accidentally insults a member of her Pakistani village’s ruling family. Her punishment is to become a servant for the insulted family. As Amal navigates this new, harsh life, her unwavering courage keep her going. Amal’s sense of hope makes this ultimately an uplifting story.…

E-Book & E-Audiobook – Refugee by Alan Gratz
Refugee by Alan Gratz, a captivating novel, is written with an interlacing of three different stories, following the lives of three disparate children, and their families. These emigrants are grappling to find the courage they need to escape from the country they have loved. All are fleeing from their oppressed, unstable homeland and searching for a new frontier. A brand-new beginning. All these stories are set at…

E-Book-Esquivel! Space-Age Sound Artist/ ¡Esquivel! Una Artista del Sonido de la Era Espacial by Susan Wood, illustrated by Duncan Tonatiuh
Juan García Esquivel grew up in Mexico loving music. He started finding work as a musician when he was just 14 years old, playing piano on a radio station. Later, he made music for a comedy show on the radio, and it was there that he started to experiment with music and sound, making drums…

E-Book – Goo Makers by Kelly Milner Halls
Who likes gooey slime, gummy candy, and foam that erupts like a volcano? Want to learn how to make these? This book is for you if you answered yes to any of that. This book has easy to follow recipes for your favorite goo and also shows you how to make even better by adding…

E-Book & E-Audiobook – Spirit Hunters by Ellen Oh
Seventh grader Harper Raine knows something is wrong with the old fixer-upper house that her family now calls home. Different rooms are hot or cold, and her brother has started talking to someone only he can see. After befriending a a neighbor and learning more about the history of her house, Harper realizes she must do something fast…

E-Book & E-Audiobook Special Announcement – Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone by J.K. Rowling
This month is a great time to start a new book series. Pottermore Publishing and OverDrive have the perfect one. Now through April 30, read Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone e-book or e-audiobook without a wait time. You can also join in the Harry Potter fun with activities and games at Harry Potter at Home.

Hoopla Digital Media
The Library’s digital collection is always available even if the building is closed. Hoopla Digital Media is a great resource for streaming ebooks, e-audiobooks, comics, movies, and more. It always has some favorite titles available from series like Big Nate and Diary of a Wimpy Kid.