by Rob Harrell

Middle School can be a little rough for anyone, but for Ross, it’s especially rough. He’s just been diagnosed with cancer of his eye! So not only does he have to go for radiation treatments, he also has to go to school wearing an eye patch (like a pirate!), and he has to keep putting some sort of eye “goop” on his eye all through the day at school. It can’t get much worse than this, right?
But it does. His hair begins to fall out, and there’s a chance he may lose his sight in that eye. 7th Grade would be a completely miserable year if it weren’t for his band.
Oh, yeah! His band! That’s a real high point! Will it be enough to get him to get through the school year?
Author Rob Harrell actually lived this life and then wrote a book about it for us. Read to see how Ross’s school year goes.