It’s hard to believe we’re reaching the halfway point of summer break (and the year 2024!) already. Rest assured there’s still plenty of time to have some fun with us at MPPL! From storytime to messy playtime to 3D printing to finger knitting, there will be lots of options for everyone to get their fill of the library in before school starts. Plus, as always, stop by to stock up on great new books. While you’re here, sign up or check in for our summer reading program!
Start July with fun, friends, and fellow fans at our first-ever Family Pokémon Meet-Up on July 1.
Keep the summer fun going with all your favorites! Good Morning Sunshine Concerts, Twist and Shout Storytimes, Stay and Play, and Supercharged Summer are continuing throughout July, plus we’ve got unique specialty programs – some are highlighted below. Be sure to check out our online Youth events calendar or printable July calendars.

Storytime in the Park
Cuenta cuentos en el parque
Wednesdays, July 10, 17, 24, and 31 | 10:00 a.m.
Listen to stories and learn new songs in English and Spanish, with playful activities interwoven throughout our time in the great outdoors. Presented at Sycamore Trails Park.
¡Disfrute en familia Cuenta Cuentos en el Parque! Escucha cuentos en inglés y español y canta canciones al aire libre. Presentado en Sycamore Trails Park.
Nature Finger Painting at Pocket Park
Thursday, July 18 | 10:00 a.m.
Enjoy the outdoors and capture its natural beauty through finger painting! We provide the paper and paint; nature provides the rest.
Family Theater: Squirrel Stole My Underpants – Presented by The Gottabees
Wednesday, July 17 | 6:00 p.m.
A poignantly silly adventure tale featuring puppets, original music, a tiny bit of acrobatics, and a giant pile of laundry!
Super Saturday: Choose Your Own Balloon Adventure – Presented by Smarty Pants
Saturday, August 3 | 10:00 a.m.
Bring the whole family to this interactive show packed with magic, comedy, and Smarty’s giant balloons!

Creation Station
July 10, 19, 24, and 31
Craft and create with us! With a new theme each week, we’re never short on art ideas. We’ll provide the supplies and watch you run with it!
Stay and Play
July 10, 11, 24, and 25
Children can learn about their world and have hands-on fun exploring specially themed toys and activities. The Youth Program Room will transform into a unique, child-size world that’s the perfect space to make new friends! This month’s themes include a birthday party and a camping trip.
Introduction to 3D Printing
Monday, July 22 | 4:00 p.m.
Learn how to create objects using digital-design computer software and a 3D printer! We’ll teach you the software and how to submit designs to the library to print. Then, you’ll work on a new design while the 3D printer works.
July 9, 10, and 24
Experience the thrill of telling a computer what to do! Depending on the session, you will either learn about the expanding world of augmented reality or compose a digital musical masterpiece. No previous coding experience required!