Celebrating its ninth year, Star Wars Reads month is all about reading and learning about your favorite “galaxy far, far away.” The Star Wars Reads webpage has activity sheets, reading logs, and other fun ways to celebrate.
Create your own reading buddy by making your own Desktop Porg!

Supplies Needed:
- white copy paper or construction paper (two 8.5″x 11″ sheets)
- crayons, colored pencils, or markers
- stapler
- scotch tape
- 1. Cut one sheet of paper into two strips, making one a little wider than the other.
- 2. On the wider piece, use a brown crayon or colored pencil to color an hourglass shape on the wider piece of white paper. There’s no exact size to this- every Porg is different!
- 3. Roll the Porg’s body shape into a cylinder and staple the bottom. You may need to trim any edges that stick out the back.
- 4. Color the thinner piece of white paper for the Porg’s head. Draw big eyes, nostrils, and the mouth.
- 5. Roll your Porg head and staple it together just like you did for the body. Then staple the Porg head to the Porg body.
- 6. Draw some basic feet and wings with your remaining paper. Color the feet orange and the wings brown. Cut them out and tape or staple them on the body.

Test your knowledge at Star Wars Family Trivia night on Friday, October 23. Presented by Baig of Tricks, this event is a Live YouTube Stream starting at 7 p.m.
Use these links to participate at the time of the event:
YouTube Live Stream: