We love summer at the library.
We love hearing excited chatter from young voices.
We love seeing empty shelves – it means that kids are exploring stories that let them laugh, learn, dream, grow.
And we love giving kids and families free, fun things to do.
Starting June 1, you can log reading and earn prizes in our Summer Reading Challenge!
And, we invite you to join us at our programs.
They’re community-building! Literacy-centered! Child-focused! And just plain feel-good.
We’ve highlighted a bunch of our summertime staples below, but be sure check out our packed Youth events calendar.
You’ll find gems from Sidewalk Chalk Fun to Animal Encounters, plus all of the excellent programs at the tiny and mighty South Branch. Many programs are drop-in, but some do require registration (begins in April for June programs; July programs appear on the calendar and open for registration in June).
No matter what your plans are this summer, remember that Mount Prospect Public Library is here for you! 24/7 digital services! Thousands of books, movies, games, and more! And experiences that create lasting memories.
Contact the Youth desk at 847-590-3320, or send an email to kidsread@mppl.org

Good Morning Sunshine Concerts
Most Mondays starting June 10 | 10:30 a.m.
Brighten your Monday mornings with cheerful live music concerts from an amazing lineup of children’s musicians! This year, you can jam with Little Miss Ann, Nanny Nikki, Miss Katie Sings, Istvan and His Imaginary Band, Little Parade, Ben Tatar and the Tatar Tots, and Ralph Covert of Ralph’s World!
No registration required | Best for families with children 8 and under
Twist and Shout Storytimes
Most Tuesdays and Fridays starting June 4 | 9:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.
This fan favorite is back! Shake, wiggle, and groove with the one and only Miss Sydney during this action-packed storytime full of music, movement, and fun!
No registration required | Best for families with children 5 and under

Mini Movers at Pocket Park
Most Tuesday evenings starting June 4 | 6:00 p.m.
Don’t miss this chance to shake your sillies out with the delightful Miss Julie and her instruments! Expect fast-paced fun in this musical storytime.
No registration required | Best for families with children 8 and under
Storytime in the Park
Cuenta cuentos en el parque
Most Wednesday mornings starting June 5 | 10:00 a.m.
The effervescent Miss Esli will bring you new stories and songs in English and Spanish, with playful activities interwoven throughout.
¡Disfrute en familia Cuenta Cuentos en el Parque! Escucha cuentos en inglés y español y canta canciones al aire libre.
Para familias. | No es necesario registrarse. | Presentado en colaboración con Mt. Prospect Park District y River Trails Park District.

Stay and Play
Select Wednesdays and Thursdays
Kids love pretend play! In this unique program, children will get hands-on playtime and learning with special activities that all match a theme. (Think children’s museum exhibit without the cost.) This summer’s themes include restaurant fun, mini city, birthday party, and camping.
No registration required | Best for families with children ages 2 to 7

Creation Station
Most Wednesdays starting June 5 | 2:30-3:45 p.m.
Craft and create with us! We’ll provide an idea and supplies then you create your own masterpiece.
No registration required | Best for ages 3 and older | While supplies last
Supercharged Summer
Select Mondays, Wednesdays, or Thursdays at various times
Squeezing in a quick library run? Time your visit so your grade schooler can meet up with other kids at the same time! We’ll play a fun group game and create a unique project each week – stuff like kinetic sand or chalkboard slime. Check our events calendar to register.
Registration opens April 15| For children entering grades 2-5

Family Pride Party!
Saturday, June 8 | 9:30-11 a.m.
Love is love! Cultivate kindness, inclusion, and celebrate who you are at this family-friendly event. Enjoy rainbow-themed crafts, games, and other activities 9:30-11 a.m. in Meeting Room A. Join us for joyful drop-in storytimes at 9:45 a.m. or 11 a.m. in the Youth Program Room featuring stories and songs that celebrate love, acceptance, and pride.
No registration required | Best for families with children ages 3-12 | While supplies last
Bluey Party
Thursday, June 13 | 9:30 or 11:15 a.m.
Join us for crafts, activities, and more wackadoo fun celebrating your favorite blue heelers Bluey, Bingo, Bandit and Chilli.
Registration opens April 15| For ages 8 and younger with their families
Swiftie Party
Thursday, June 27 | 3:15-4:45 p.m.
Are you ready for it? This is really happening! Take a step forward with other Taylor Swift fans for an enchanting time singing, dancing, and doing other wonderful things.
No registration required| For families