Information for the 2020 Census is being collected right now. Do you know what the Census is? It is a way of collecting information about everyone who lives in the United States to make sure everyone is counted. Information about who lives where is used to provide services in your community, like the schools, parks, and your library. There are activities and even a book that explore the Census for kids, available here.
Try this activity: Choose a few questions and keep track of the answers you get from the people who live with you, as well as from friends, family, and neighbors by phone, text, or in person from a safe distance. We did this with Library staff and have their answers below.

Here’s a trickier question: How many books do you have in your house? Can you estimate (or make a smart guess on) the number?
It’s fun to learn more about people and see how we are similar. How can we use this information? Asking people about foods they like can help you decide what to have for dinner. Knowing the languages that people speak at home can help to make sure that information is available in those languages too.
If you’d like to share what you learn, and see how other people in Mount Prospect answered, take a survey here.