In case you hadn’t noticed (lucky you!) it’s skunk season! Removing skunk scent can be difficult because the oily compound responsible for the odor is not water soluble. In suburbia, the skunk’s prime target seems to be our dogs – mine got sprayed three times last year! Here are some tips from Carriage Hill Kennel in Glenview if your dog gets “skunked.”
1. Keep the dog outside. Most dogs seem to get sprayed in the face and the first thing they do is rub it all over your bed (or other furniture) and it’s very difficult to get the smell out of your house. For the same reason, put on old clothes and use old towels during the cleanup. It’s easier just to throw them away!
2. Mix 1 quart 3% hydrogen peroxide, ¼ cup baking soda, and 2 Tablespoons of dishwashing liquid (Dawn works best.) Do not wet dog down before applying this solution. Pour mixture over the dog and let it sit for 10-15 minutes (be careful not to get it in the dog’s eyes.) Rinse the dog thoroughly and let dry in the sun if possible.
3. Don’t mix this solution before hand and store it in a container as it could possibly explode. There are also products at pet stores specifically for removing skunk odor.
4. If you prefer to take your dog to a groomer for the cleanup, let the groomer know the situation before you drop your pet off. Many times, there is a separate grooming area for “skunked” dogs as they do not want the smell to permeate their business.
5. If you discover skunks have taken up residence on your property – usually in wood piles or under decks or stoops – you will need to call a private company for removal. The Village of Mount Prospect does not remove any wild animals.
Good luck!