Between networking, skills development, applying and interviewing, looking for a job or changing careers can be a full-time job. In addition to the resources available from the library, support for job seekers is available from several local organizations:

- North Suburban Cook County American Job Center – Webinars, job fairs, networking and volunteer opportunities are available to job seekers. This location is one of 3,000 federally funded American Job Centers.
- St. Hubert Job & Networking Ministry – Offers resume review and support meetings for job seekers.
- Harper College Job Placement Resource Center – Job placement services are available to students and alumni of Harper College.
Additionally, local career centers can be a source of support on the job searching journey. Some may require a small membership fee for their services.
Find more resources for the job search on the Jobs and Career Development Research Guide. With questions about any of these resources, or to set up a time to meet with a librarian for a resume review appointment, please contact the Research Desk to request a reference appointment.