Title: The Other Wes MooreAuthor: Wes MoorePage Count: 233Genre: Memoir, pop sociologyTone: Moving, fast-paced, thoughtful SPOILER WARNING: These book discussion questions are highly detailed and will ruin plot points, if you have not read the book. Questions composed by MPPL Staff The Library is happy to share these original questions for your use. If reproducing,…
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Book Discussion Questions: The Language of Flowers by Vanessa Diffenbaugh
Title: The Language of FlowersAuthor: Vanessa DiffenboughPage Count: 322Genre: Contemporary FictionTone: Engaging, emotional SPOILER WARNING: These book discussion questions are highly detailed and will ruin plot points, if you have not read the book. Questions composed by MPPL Staff The Library is happy to share these original questions for your use. If reproducing, please credit…
Book Discussion Questions: The Submission by Amy Waldman
SPOILER WARNING: These book discussion questions are highly detailed and will ruin plot points, if you have not read the book. Title: The SubmissionAuthor: Amy WaldmanPage Count: 299Genre: Contemporary FictionTone: Issue-driven, dramatic, politically provocative Questions composed by MPPL Staff The Library is happy to share these original questions for your use. If reproducing, please credit…