Thirty-seven years ago today, The Golden Girls premiered on NBC. It would go on to run for seven seasons, and every single main cast member won an Emmy for her performance during the show's run. Thanks to syndication and streaming, the show continued to gain new fans long after it went off the air, and today fans…
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If You Like Bridgerton: Staff Picks
Check out these reads and watches that will give you the same Bridgerton vibes, enthusiastically provided by our resident regency romance expert Liz, Fiction-AV-Teen Librarian.
Black History Month: Must See Black Cinema
In honor of Black History Month, we gathered some of the best-reviewed recent Black films for you to enjoy all year round. Featuring a wide array of thrills, drama, and great story, all of which have garnered applause, there's something for every viewer. Find your match below, or contact us for a personalized suggestion. Sorry…
Best Films of 2020
2020 was a very different year for films, but we scoured through the Best Films of 2020 rankings that have been circulating and spotlighted the more frequent fliers on this Best Films of 2020 list. Featured below are some of the movies that our staff have heard rave reviews about as well as those consistently…