Renewals? They’re Automatic!
There are many reasons why a patron may wish to renew library materials. While cardholders can renew by using the MPPL app or by contacting Patron Services, the Mount Prospect Public Library also has an automatic renewal program.
If an item is eligible for renewal, it will automatically renew. The account will update and the patron will receive an email notification that reflects a new due date. Materials are limited to three renewals.
If an item is ineligible for renewal, a patron will receive an email that the item is still due on its original due date. Reasons materials may not renew include:
- Items have been requested/placed on hold
- The three-renewal limit has been reached
- The account is blocked
- Item is on interlibrary loan
- Items are eMedia resources (Hoopla, OverDrive)
To receive email notifications, cardholders may sign up on their account, or inquire at the Patron Services desk.